Who We Are

International Institute for Governance & Leadership (IIGL) is a non profit Foundation (Stichting in Dutch) headquartered at Amsterdam, Netherlands, duly registered with Dutch Chamber of Commerce.
Name: The institution’s name: Stichting International Institute of Governance & Leadership (IIGL)
KvK-nummer : 60205369
The RSIN number : 853808296
Date: 11.03.2014


Important Information

1. The financial account of 2020
2. A report of activities of 2020
3. A plan of activities in 2021 
4. The composition and tasks of the Board members
5. The rules for remunerating board members.


1.The financial account of 2020



2. A report of activities of 2020

The activities of the Stichting International Institute of Governance and Leadership (IIGL) in the year 2020, were severely paralysed by an unprecedent Covid Pandemic. In 2020 The Stichting shifted its secretariat from Amsterdam and moved it to The Hague at Prinses Mariestraat 6a, 2514KE, tel +31-649942467. During 2020 it did not undertake activities in The Netherlands.



3. A plan of activities in 2021

The continuing uncertainties of Covid pandemic and fear of next wave/s of covid is dampening the prospects of the year 2021 also. Thus, The Stichting International Institute of Governance and Leadership (IIGL) office in The Hague is not having any ambitious plans. IIGL is not expecting any donations to be received and hence no specific activities are other than participation in internet conferences by other institutions with similar objectives.



4. The composition and tasks of the Board members

Advisory Board Chair: Prof. Mervyn King
Treasurer: Joris Voorhoeve, The Netherlands
Prof. Mahendra Kumar Chouhan, India
Mr. Roberto De Ocampo, Philippines
Mrs. Teresa C. Fogelberg, The Netherlands


5. The rules for remunerating board members.

The IIGL does not remunerate its board members for their activities. Repayment of actual expenses for the sake of IIGL is only possible upon receipt of proof of payment. However, Board members did not claim any expenses and received no remuneration from IIGL in The Hague or Amsterdam in 2020 or previous years.



1) The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Commercial Registered extract
2) AFSCHRIFT – Stichting International Institute of Governance & Leadership
3) ANBI Policy Plan for (2021 -2025)
4) IIGL Account statement for 2020


IIGL aims to form a hub for governance & policy discourse, bringing practitioners, researchers, and community members together to participate in policy development debates and discussions across many areas of expertise, internationally. IIGL aims to become an institution of choice for developing effective practitioners and leaders in Governance & public policy.
IIGL also aims to provide a platform for exchange of innovative ideas and best practices in corporate Governance and Public Governance areas and contribute towards developing leaders of vision, integrity & courage. The Public leaders including political leaders & Government officers as also the corporate leaders including chairmen, board of
directors and CEOs and top management leaders.
The Ultimate aim of IIGL is to developing leaders in public sector, private sector as well as civil society sector for catalyzing value based wealth creation and its equitable distribution toward the sustainable Development of Societies around the world.